Portefeuille Culture
Commissie Economie, Financiรซn & BestuurCulture connects people and is important for a city like Delft. With its history, Delft attracts visitors, who are an important source of income for many Delfters. The Prinsenhof and Agathaplein are the entrance to the historic centre, which also includes other cultural highlights such as Theater De Veste and OPEN.
But even more important is space for culture and creativity for all Delfters, throughout Delft. Everyone must have access to culture, so that every Delftwareer has the opportunity to develop. It is precisely the small experimental projects such as Cultuurhuis Delft that reach Delfters who do not readily come into contact with culture, so we must support them.
Delft has wonderful events and we must support these with a fully-fledged cultural desk Club Delft, location profiles and by removing barriers to initiatives. We also give space to street art and investigate the possibilities for a pop podium for (young) Delft artists.