City Council
The city council in Delft has 39 members divided over 10 political groups. The group of STIP has 6 seats. The council meets every last Thursday evening of the month in the town hall. However, if the council would like to discuss all proposals, memos and documents of that month, the meeting would last all day. Therefore, all documents are first discussed in the specialist committees. Delft has three of these: Social Domain & Housing; Economy, Finance and Management; and Space & Traffic.
Each subject committee meets once a month. The committee can then discuss the content and put questions to the board. If the committee agrees with a large majority on a document, the proposal can be put on the 'hammer list' for the council meeting. The item will then not be discussed again at the council meeting. If the committee has not reached a decision or if the proposal is politically sensitive, the item is placed on the agenda for discussion by the council. It is then debated and finally voted on in the council meeting.
In committee meetings, besides councillors, committee members may also speak. Each party can appoint three committee members from the electoral list. For STIP, this means that with six councillors and two committee members, we form a group of eight.