Our people
STIP is both an association and a political party. Below in an overview of the people from our fraction, our alderman and our board. Are you looking for someone who used to contribute to the association? Then look at former faction or former board.
The STIP fraction deals with the political content of the party, such as drawing up the political line and debating in council, and with 6 seats it is the largest party in Delft. For questions, you can reach the fraction at fractie@stipdelft.nl
Are you looking for the accomplishments of the fraction? View the motion page
- Sophie WentinkFraction employee
- Lisanne Fung Fen ChungRaadslid
- Bo VerduijnRaadslid
- Julian GommersRaadslid
- Anne StehouwerRaadslid
- Mathijn BrinkRaadslid
- Wieger MolkenboerCommissielid
- Sam de JongFractieondersteuner
Since 1998, STIP has provided an alderman who is the daily manager of Delft. This period, our alderman holds the portfolios of Sustainability, Economy, and Employment & Income.
The board is responsible for the STIP association. They organise the monthly STIP drinks and our external activities. In addition, the board keeps the party running by, for example, managing the membership list and finances. For questions, you can reach the board at bestuur@stipdelft.nl
- Puck BoelensVoorzitter
- Maarten ReuchlinSecretaris
- Jeremy HillPenningmeester
- Ole LubbersCommissaris Intern
- Floris NieuwenhuyseCommissaris Extern
Trust contacts
As an association, we value everyone feeling comfortable, and we believe it's important that issues can be discussed openly. Have you experienced or witnessed something unpleasant? We're always here to listen in confidence and together, we can assess if further action is necessary and desired. Confidentiality means we won't discuss your story with anyone else, including the board, unless you give us permission to do so. You can contact us via vertrouwenspersonen@stipdelft.nl